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Widex pour les professionnels
Les aides auditives UNIQUE
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Les aides auditives MENU
Les aides auditives mind
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Widex TV-DEX
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Attention & conseils
Les applications pour aides auditives de Widex
L'application web Guide de sélection des produits
L'application web sur la Transposition fréquentielle
Application Widex DREAM pour iPad
Application Widex MENU pour iPad
Articles sur les hommes et l'audition
Surdité unilatérale : Ce que vous devez savoir
Parler de la durée de vie de la pile avec vos patients
Les employés de l'aviation perdent-ils leur audition ?
Accompagner le patient bien informé
Joe Kittinger - une vie à plein régime
Travailler avec Widex
Articles sur la gestion des affaires
Votre plan marketing a-t-il besoin d'être dépoussiéré ?
Comment la confiance est-elle instaurée dans les centres de correction auditive ?
Définir votre approche du service après-vente
Comment les journées portes ouvertes peuvent-elles vous aider à augmenter les ventes ?
Comment attirer les patients acouphéniques dans votre centre ?
Preuves et technologie
Preuves sur Widex UNIQUE
Preuves sur les aides auditives WIDEX DREAM
Preuves sur les aides auditives Widex CLEAR
Preuves sur les aides auditives Widex mind
Preuves sur les aides auditives Widex SUPER
Preuves sur Widex EASYWEAR
Preuves sur Widex ZEN et les acouphènes
Preuves sur Widex CROS
Preuves sur les accessoires Widex DEX
Preuves sur la programmation
Preuves sur les fonctionnalités et la technologie
L'excellence technologique
Les technologies du son de Widex
Système de gestion du signal de sortie TruSound
Contrôle automatique du gain en sortie TruSound
Stabilisateurs TruSound
Atténuateur TruSound
Suppression des effets Larsen
Écouteur 2 voies ClearBand
Les technologies de la parole de Widex
Mise en évidence de la parole
Locator HD
Pavillon virtuel
Transposition fréquentielle
Articles sur la technologie
Élever la limite de la marge
La musique fractale pourrait être la clé pour lutter contre les acouphènes
Comment la puce a transformé l'industrie
Foire aux questions
Contactez un commercial
Contacter le support technique
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ESHOP et libres services
Moyens de formation
Les produits de Widex
La programmation et le réglage fin
Zen, les acouphènes et le programme de gestion des acouphènes de Widex
Audiological Bulletins
French (Canada)
English (Canada)
French (Canada)
Audiological Bulletins
Audiological Bulletin 1,'General information about Bravo'
Audiological Bulletin 2, 'Diva Self-test'
Audiological Bulletin 3, 'Positioning of the Senso Diva SD-X in the ear'
Audiological Bulletin 4, 'Widex Outcome Measures'
Audiological Bulletin 8, 'Making the right choices in the Fitting wizard when fitting Inteo with Compass V4'
Audiological Bulletin 9, 'Using the Sound Explorer graphics to investigate the potential in Inteo signal processing'
Audiological Bulletin 10, 'Using the fine tuning tools in Sound Explorer to fine tune gain in Inteo fittings'
Audiological Bulletin 11, 'Changing the feature settings in Inteo fittings using Compass V4'
Audiological Bulletin 12, 'How to fine tune non-master programs in Inteo fittings'
Audiological Bulletin 13, 'Using the Program manager in Inteo fittings'
Audiological Bulletin 14, 'Using the DAI manager in Compass to change the DAI programs'
Audiological Bulletin 15, 'Using the Compression view, the MPO manager and the Recalculate function in Inteo fittings with Compass'
Audiological Bulletin 16, 'The alternative settings of the Widex Classic Noise Reduction'
Audiological Bulletin 17, 'Using Documentation in the Sound Explorer'
Audiological Bulletin 18, 'Update: Fitting ISP hearing aids with the IP5 programmer'
Audiological Bulletin 19, 'Making the right choices in the fitting Wizard when fitting Aikia with Compass'
Audiological Bulletin 20, 'Using the Sound Explorer graphics to invertisate the potential in AIKIA signal processing'
Audiological Bulletin 21, 'Using the fine tuning tools in Sound Explorer to finetune gain in AIKIA fittings'
Audiological Bulletin 22, 'Changing the feature settings in AIKIA fittings using Compass V4.2'
Audiological Bulletin 23, 'How to fine tune non-master programs in Aikia Fittings'
Audiological Bulletin 24, 'Using the M10 manager, the Sound Solution guide and the Recalculate function in AIKIA fittings with Compass'
Audiological Bulletin 25, 'Using the Program Manager in AIKIA fitting'
Audiological Bulletin 26, 'Using documention in the Sound Explorer'
Audiological Bulletin 27, 'Fitting M-models with Compass V.4'
Audiological Bulletin 28, 'Preconditions - How to deal with the acoustics identity for m-models using the IP5 programmer'
Audiological Bulletin 30, 'Mixing sound sources in the ear canal'
Audiological Bulletin 31, 'The vent effect - an introduction'
Audiological Bulletin 32, 'Estimating real-ear acoustics'
Audiological Bulletin 33, 'Quick Guide - Programming the RC3 remote control'
Audiological Bulletin 34, 'Customising ear-sets for m-models'
Audiological Bulletin 35, ' Ensuring the correct in-situ gain'
Audiological Bulletin 36, 'Making the right choices in the Fitting wizard when fitting Flash with Compass V4'
Audiological Bulletin 37, 'Using the Sound Explorer graphics to investigate the potential in Flash signal processing'
Audiological Bulletin 38, 'Using the fine tuning tools in Sound Explorer to fine tune gain in Flash fittings'
Audiological Bulletin 39, 'Changing the feature settings in Flash fittings using Compass V4'
Audiological Bulletin 40, 'How to fine tune non-master programs in Flash fittings'
Audiological Bulletin 41, 'Using the Program manager in Flash fittings'
Audiological Bulletin 42, 'Using the MPO manager, the Solution guide and the Recalculate function in Flash fittings with Compass'
Audiological Bulletin 43, 'How to insert right/left colour coding in m models'
Audiological Bulletin 44, ' Customising ear sets for 9-models'
Audiologisk Bulletin 45 'Fitting Passion hearing aids with the iP5 programmer'
Audiological Bulletin 46 'Fitting Passion 115 with Compass V4'
Audiologisk bulletin 48 'Smoother and wider frequency response with a Receiver-In-Canal (RIC) hearing aid'
Audiological bulletin 49 'The fitting range of Passion wire flex and the instant receiver ear-tip flex'
Audiological bulletin 50 'Customising receiver ear-sets for Passion hearing aids and removing the battery drawer to connect programming cables'
Audiological Bulletin 51 'Guidelines for matching the RC4 remote control'
Audiological Bulletin 52, 'How to use the Fitting wizard with mind440'
Audiological bulletin 53, 'How to use QuickFit in Compass V4.5'
Audiological bulletin 54 , 'Using the fine tuning graphics and sound features to investigate the potential in mind440 signal processing'
Audiological bulletin 55, 'Using the Compresseion view, MPO manager and Recalculate function in mind440 fittings with Compass'
Audiological bulletin 56, 'Using the Zen program in Compass'
Audiological bulletin 57, 'Using the Documentation window and test modes 2 and 3 in Compass V45'
Audiological bulletin 58, 'Using the Solution guide'
Audiological bulletin 59, 'How to measure the In-situ RECD with mind440 (m4-9) and Compass V4.5'
Audiological bulletin 60, 'Closing the fitting session for mind440'
Audiological bulletin 61, 'Using the DAI manager in Compass to change the DAI programs'
Audiological bulletin 62, 'Changing the feature settings in mind440 fittings using Compass V4.5'
Audiological bulletin 63, 'Using the fine tuning tools to fine tune gain in mind440 fittings'
Audiological bulletin 64, 'How to fine tune non-master programs in mind440 fittings'
Audiological bulletin 65, 'Using the Program manager in mind440 fittings'
Audiological bulletin 66, 'Using the Sound Diary in Compass V4.5'
Audiological bulletin 67, 'Closing the fitting session for REAL'
Audiological bulletin 68, 'How to fine tune non-master programs in REAL fittings'
Audiological bulletin 69, 'Using the DAI manager in Compass V4.6 to change the DAI programs'
Audiological bulletin 70, 'Using the Program manager in REAL fittings'
Audiological bulletin 72 ' Using the Compression view, MPO manager and Recalculate function in REAL fitting with Compass'
Audiological bulletin 73 'Using the fine tuning graphics and sound features to investigate the potential in REAL signal processing'
Audiological bulletin 74 'Changing the feature settings in REAL fittings using Compass V4.6'
Audiological bulletin 75 'Using the Documentation window and test modes 2 and 3 in Compass V4.6'
Audiological bulletin 76, 'Fitting mind330'
Audiological bulletin 77, 'Fitting Passion440'
Audiological bulletin 78, 'Performing in-situ RECD with the mind series m-models'
Audiological bulletin 81 'The phone programs available with CLEAR440'
Audiological bulletin 82 'Acoustic performance of ear-tip solutions for M- and P-receivers'
Audiological bulletin 83 'Choice of earware for WIDEX SUPER'
Audiological bulletin 84 'Fine-tuning tips & tricks for SUPER'