Any hearing aid can process sounds; UNIQUE ensure that only the sounds relevant to the user are processed.

Supreme sound quality in any environment
Hearing soft sounds is particularly important for users but even more important is determining which are useful and which are not. UNIQUE is the only hearing aid that ensures important soft sounds are maintained and unwanted soft noises are removed.

We have developed the powerful Soft Level Noise Reduction system to reduce the soft noises users do not want to hear while retaining the audibility of other soft sounds, such as speech. It determines the difference between modulated and unmodulated sounds without any compromise in speech intelligibility or comfort.

The benefit of soft level noise reduction
Providing more gain for soft sounds (low compression thresholds) is good for amplifying soft speech but it can also mean soft unwanted sounds - such as the noise from fans, refrigerators, or even hearing aid microphone noises, are audible even when in quiet environments.

The Soft Level Noise Reduction Algorithm in UNIQUE differentiates unmodulated soft sounds from modulated soft sounds and reduces their amplification. This results in an enhanced sound quality for the user.
The best wind noise reduction in the industry
For users to truly enjoy being outdoors, it is essential that that they can hear clearly no matter the conditions. The Wind Noise Attenuation system in UNIQUE provides users with documented improvement in hearing speech and environmental sounds in the presence of wind noise.

The wind noise reduction algorithm in UNIQUE cleverly detects, separates and subtracts wind noise. 

8.4 dB signal-to-noise ratio improvement
The Wind Noise Attenuation system in UNIQUE can handle wind from all directions, even from the front. The system analyses the incoming signal from each of the microphones in the hearing aid and then determines if wind noise is dominant.

As this analysis takes place in each hearing aid, wind noise can be substantially reduced for both binaural and monaural fittings.

The Wind Noise algorithm able to keep up with the fluctuations of the wind noise and is therefore truly adaptive; applying only what is necessary when it is necessary.

This delivers an 8.4 dB signal-to-noise ratio improvement.
Benefits of the Wind Noise Attenuator (WNA):
  • Improved speech understanding in wind
  • Better sound quality in windy conditions
  • Less chance users will need to remove their hearing aids when outdoors

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